• Read more about my work on this movie....

    Filmed in both LA and NY with a weekend in Miami for flavor. This dark and disturbing fetish film missed its mark in the story line for me. Although, it was interesting to work on, especially in the fetish dungeon set of LA, as Schumacher hired real dominatrix of sorts. I had never seen this before and remained in shock while rehearsing with the background bondage artists. It was a somber walk through film for me and the hours were civilized in movie terms with only 10 to 12 hours a day. A treat, with minimal physical movement for the stand in. The stand in in charge as I was now becoming the diva on set. Schumacher shut that down though with a few hours in the freezing cold under rain bars in the middle of the night in Brooklyn.



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All photos are property of Marco Kyris

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