Read more about my work on this movie....
It was shot on location in Chicago, and on stage for a few scenes, in 2004. Most of it showing off this magnificent city, albeit, in the brutal winter. The director, being very visual, wanted long and wide shots all around the city. This contributed to the lengthy set up, as I froze in a skimpy set wardrobe without sympathy from the crew, who were working in Parkas, as I was the spoiled stand in. Yes, endless sinus infections with bottles of Tylenol, Nyquil, etc to get through it. Hence, bloated and gassy, not sassy. A very tough exterior shoot, but loving Chicago all the while.
Extra Pictures
Nic, the screen writer, and me
H. Davis in da house
M. Rispoli et moi
Between the takes
Nic & Gore feeling it.
Mr. Caine with Gore
Gemmenne de la Peña and me
N. Hoult, his stand in, and yours truly
Waiting for my close up…
Cinematographer and me
I got my close up!
So did he…
Staying focused with focus puller
Sitting on my mark.
Posing again
Bow and arrow by the lake
A rainy day in Chitown
Dumb and dumber in the mall
Spaced out at night
I do phone
Stuck in the elevator
Podium pose
Weathering the storm
More stormy weather
What a headache
Knocking some sense into the stand in
Splishin and splashin the stand in
Catchin some rays
Green screen float
Same shot.... different characters….
Don’t snow on my parade
DP and I bonding
Post parade pandemonium
Lincoln boy
Debbie, Benita, Me & Gore
Crowd Fair scene
Me and my puppets at the pier
Women's Dept. 4th floor
Unhappy stand ins, sitting in shot
Mark, Me, and Alan
Ice rink day
NC prepping for his debut
Same rink, different angle
Camp Cage off camera
Lindsey, the director's asst. and me
The guys
Chillin with Camp Cage on the ice rink
A serious weather shot
High above the pavement
Posing for the pic
Prepping shot on fake wet snow
Stunt Eddie on street
Sitting in for a driving shot
Chaos with the camera crew
Twin towers???
City shot
Scenic shot from condo set
Cool camera crew
City wide view from the apt set
Car Setup
posing for my close up
Rush Street Towns
Street scene with camera crew
On set with friends
Snowing it up in the burbs
Blowin' snow on the street.
Doing the burbie shot
The execs and I
Stunt Eddie preppin' for a fight.
Reflections on set
Me with Stunt Eddie
Bonding stand ins
Peepin over
Just waiting for my time to shine
The Weather Man
Munching out
Oops, I almost dropped the props
Feeling it on set
Color coding
Board member day
Festive party scene…
Sitting in, not standing in
When the director asks you…
Gemmenne de la Peña in Tophat.
Crew photo op
Time Square gorilla film shot
80 - 86
copyright 2016
All photos are property of Marco Kyris
Website Developed By Aslan Crawley
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