Read more about my work on this movie....
Set in WWII and filmed in Hawaii and on location north of Los Angeles. It was another grueling war film to be working on. Such a massive crew, including the huge special affects team, gun wranglers, location/transpo dept., and of course, hundreds of military extra types and endless stunt men. There were many local crew members in Hawaii, but also a huge LA crew and cast put up in the original "Hawaii 5-0" hotel from the 60s TV show. Even the production office was operating from that hotel. And all given rent-a-cars. A massive budget and perks to boot with my Cage Wage salary matching some of the principal actors', the diva that I was. A physically demanding film for everyone involved. Locations and base camp were a 20 min drive apart and tropical rains made "lushy Hawaii" "slushy Hawaii". Hence they moved the film company to a massive ranch north of Los Angeles as the budget was exceeded on the tropical island.
Extra Pictures
Mr. John Woo
Peter Stormare
Givin me a leg up
Beach and me
Mr. Emmerich and myself
Supporting cast and diva me
The Hulk and I
Marco, Mark, and millitary boy
Adam Beach and his stunter
Adam Beach with his stunt dude Eddie Fernadez
Bright day with Christian
Me and my gals
War on set
Same war, different angle
More war…
Squibs in plantation
Explosions and beyond
All about the blow up
Ready to roll
Smoke on set
Blow up scene
Just before the explosion
Huge setup
Never too far from set
Stand ins sashaying on set part 1
Stand ins sashaying on set part 5
Stand ins sashaying on set part 4
Stand ins sashaying on set part 6 - with their scarves
Stand ins sashaying on set part 2
Dual stand-ins
Stand ins sashaying on set part 3
Two stand ins standing
Rock, Eddie, and I, oh my
White Horse, Mr. Chang, and I
Rock, Adam & Me
Military boys & me
VIP crew... and me
On the beach with Mr. Beach
AD and me
DP and me
Pretty publicist with perky me
Eddie and I
P.A. Danny & me
Our serious side
Solo shot
Hiding behind equipment.
Eddie covers up
It didn't hold against the wind….
Actors and stunt men unite
Posing for a picture
Military crew on break
Workin out a scene
Tech advisors advising... Marco standing
Eddie in the trenches
Supporting cast
Posing in the Pineapple fields
Me in the trenches
I got my close up
Parked on hill
Lee’s hut
All suited up & ready to go
Sitting on the job
Gassed out
Camera flyin high
Rolling camera
Prepping for blow ups
Stunt Eddie stunting
Looking yonder
Crane and crew
Lookin for squibs in all the wrong places
Steady camin
Keepin the ears out of the sun
Always digging
Lots of chaos.
Setting up his death scene
Endless setups
More setups
Action Eddie / Beaches stunt guy
More setups
More setups
Dummies R Us
Dir. & DP
Moonlighting in the daylight
Beach with a view
They never got used…
Mocking me yet again….
Dynamic Debbie and me
Millitary stunters and me
Crew hair/makeup team
She keeps it all together... The script supervisor
Grip duo with moi
NC hair/makeup duo
Crew guys
Hair & MU team
Steve Vaughn - Arthur Anderson
Lush greens
Mountainous views
Also shot here...
He visits too…
Hawaiian Punch
Lunchin with the stunters
A catering feast
Caterer to the stars - Tony
NC trailer camp
Trailers R Us
8 - 106
copyright 2016
All photos are property of Marco Kyris
Website Developed By Aslan Crawley
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